Cardo G9

/ about project

Cardo creates high end communication gadgets for motorcycle riders. The G9 product gives riders enhanced communication features enabling them to communicate as group in long distances with ease and without the need of complex networks. This project, co-produced with Eran Sahar and Yaniv Shmeltser, was done as a promo for the G9 abilities.

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/ design process

Our theme was a post apocalyptic sci-fi B movie. We had a lot of environments to create in a relative short time so we had to rely alot on matte paintings to instead of creating actual 3D models. The main focus was on the characters' super abilities as they were to convey the product's features. Another issue we had to tackle was the multiple reflections on the motorbikes while shooting them on green screen. Careful planning was done during the shooting of the shots to avoid bad lighting and to minimize the need for post prodcution corrections.

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